
February 21, 2011

Why gentleness and why now?

I've been a mom for over 4 years. I've been married for over 6 years. I had 9 different roommates in 10 years. I had 11 different jobs with countless co-workers before leaving the workforce to raise my children.

Throughout all of those different vocations and relationships, I never pursued gentleness.

And it showed.

I was friendly. I was kind. I was loving. I was encouraging, funny, opinionated.

Of course none of those things are negative and I have no intention of eliminating any of them.

I simply long for my children to see gentleness when they see me. For gentleness to be evident. My hope is that gentleness will then be more evident in my children.

The time is now because the stress and strain that comes from not being gentle does not bring peace. It does not bring hope.

Let the pursuit begin!

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